Performing Arts

Naked tours of Sydney’s MCA
Sydney's newly redeveloped MCA is offering visitors a chance to experience its new collections in a naked tour led by…

Define your goals
Sometimes we take jobs because they’re close to what we want. Sometimes we take jobs because we need the money.…

Show the right attitude at the interview
Your attitude in the interview, for better or worse will be seen as indicative of your attitude to the position…

Don’t ‘waffle’
It's common to become flustered with nerves but it will be distracting if your answers go off on tangents or…
$30,000 Fashion Business grant
The $30,000 grant is for the implementation of strategies to support the growth of the Western Australian designer fashion industry

Fiona Harris
Fiona Harris (Comedy Inc., The Librarians) joins her husband Mike McLeish (Keating! The Musical, Shane Warne The Musical) in a…

Michael Farrell wins the Peter Porter Poetry Prize
One of Australia’s most lucrative and respected awards for poetry, The Peter Porter Poetry Prize, has been won by Michael…

Justin Hamilton: The Goodbye Guy
MICF: Stand-up comedians are rarely more meta, or better, than Justin Hamilton, who farewells his festival career to date with…

Control your nerves
Remember that you’ve been asked by them to come in and you’ve got something they want to see.

Is my resume too long?
There’s nothing worse for employers than receiving a resume the size of a thesis.