Performing Arts

TAS council approves gay rights artwork
An artwork commemorating the 1988 arrest of gay rights activists has been approved for Hobart's Salamanca Place.

Australian Booty
BRISBANE POWERHOUSE: Why isn't Candy B a bigger star? For humanity’s sake, let’s hope we see her shaking what her…

Robot Vs Art
LA MAMA: Set in a dystopian future when robots rule the earth, Travis Cotton’s latest play is a gem of…

Casus – Knee Deep
JUDITH WRIGHT CENTRE: Four Brisbane circus performers have joined forces to produce a stunning display of skill and a brain-meltingly…

Music slashed at ANU, TAFEs
ANAM gets funds to ensure its continuity, but elsewhere the future of music education looks bleak.

The Great Artists: The Impressionists
SHOCK: If you’ve ever secretly wondered what makes the paintings and artists of the Impressionist movement so revered, this two…

Elizabeth, almost by chance a woman
QUEENSLAND THEATRE COMPANY: A joyful, wickedly ironic adaptation of Dario Fo’s original script, confidently grounded in 21st century Australia.

Should I join the union?
Joining a union is said to provide you with an abundance of benefits, but should you really join one?

How to be a good boss
So you’ve finally acquired that power you’ve dreamt of ever since someone first told you you’d make a great leader.…

What to do when you hate your job
Unfortunately, we don’t live in films. As desirable as it would be to cinematically scream and stamp out your anger…