Performing Arts
We Are Not the Same Anymore
Chris Somerville's short stories play out the small catastrophes of everyday life, cutting his characters adrift in the uneasiness that…
The skill level in this Queensland Ballet production is high, and the dancers’ commitment unmistakeable.
Ali McGregor’s Late-Nite Variety-Nite Night
An ever-changing line-up of some of the Comedy Festival's best acts, ably hosted by Ali McGregor and sidekick Virginia Gay.
The face behind the discussion
Rachel Healy has cultural chops. She’s been General Manager of Belvoir Street Theatre and Director of Performing Arts for Sydney…
What kind of input can you have to the Sydney Cultural Policy?
The City of Sydney is looking for your input into their Creative City Cultural Policy Discussion Paper.
Time to have your say
A city’s culture is its heart and soul. Take away its culture, and you’re left with everything that is boring…
Max and Ivan are Con Artists
Thoughtfully choreographed physicality, offbeat humour, and a dazzling comedic synergy adds up to a remarkable and memorable whole.
Clover Moore on fostering Sydney's culture
Lord Mayor Clover Moore clearly loves Sydney and the variety of culture it offers.
Handel’s Water Music: Baroque Grandeur
A glorious performance of Bach, Telemann, Berton and of course, Handel, by the Sydney Symphony, conducted by Reinhard Goebel.
Ambassadors for a Cultural Discussion
To help get the word out for its Creative City Cultural Policy Discussion Paper, the City of Sydney has enlisted…