Performing Arts

Victorian Budget delivers massive capital boost
Behind the bold announcement of $29 million in new initiatives, are small cuts to contestable funding but big capital expenditure.

Monteverdi Masterpieces
Under Marshall McGuire’s direction this program of works by by Claudio Monteverdi offered a truly memorable experience.

School replaces security guards with art teachers
Art classes changed the poorest scoring school in a US district to an exemplar of student improvement.

Atticus Finch, do you do copyright?
'To Kill a Mockingbird' author Harper Lee has filed a law suit against the literary agent who duped her out…

$60,000 up for grabs for SA musicians
South Australian Government’s Contemporary Music Funding Program to award $60,000 to local musicians and organisations.

Intelligent and engaging theatre; one of the best QTC productions Brisbane audiences have encountered in recent years.

Hot Shoe Shuffle
Excellent performances and the vibrant hits of the Big Band era can't save this revived tap musical from feeling dated…

MCA Chairman reappointed for another 3 years
Museum of Contemporary Art's chairman Simon Mordant will continue chairing the museum for a further three years.

Craig Hill - Jock’s Trap
Comedian Craig Hill kept the laughs flowing but such consummate control came at the expense of pushing his performance boundaries.

Australia’s other Indigenous culture
In the rush to embrace our Indigenous arts, is the unique culture of the Torres Strait being overlooked?