
Exhibition review: After Fairweather
Ian Fairweather’s legacy through the eyes of contemporary First Nations and diaspora artists.

Macfarlane Commissions upend painting's stereotypes
Third iteration of ACCA’s Macfarlane commissions stages a monumental show with a record-breaking number of artists who reinterpret an age-old…

Exhibition review: Parallel Landscapes, Bundanon
A showcase of three exhibitions that reflect the Shoalhaven environment and the Australian bush.

Changing Identities: A region moving from coal to art
After a year in COVID hiatus, the Collie Art Prize once again invites submissions to one of the Australia’s richest…

Newest prize on the block bolsters emerging careers
Extending cash prizes with a solo exhibition and access to collectors via the Michael Reid Gallery network, the National Emerging…

Exhibition review: Doppelgänger and Zombies
Re-animated furniture for the living dead at The David Roche Foundation’s House Museum.

Vale painter Ms D Yunupiŋu, mother of the Rirratjiŋu nation
The Yirrkala community lost a bold and individual talent with the passing of Ms D. Yunupiŋu.

Unravelling Chiharu Shiota’s threads of humanity
Studying in Australia played a huge part in shaping the career of internationally celebrated installation artist Chiharu Shiota, currently showing…

Exhibitions review: Sea and Sky by Mostyn Bramley-Moore and Look Out by John Smith
Two artist showcasing work that highlight the resonance of nature and past ephemeral connections.

ACMI’s latest exhibition unpacks light as both phenomena and subject
ACMI's new light exhibition pushes you around – mentally – like a rag doll, wowed by a roll call of…