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Move over Millennials, it's time for older women writers to shine

Are the works of older women writers writing about their lives a new Australian publishing trend?

Literary journal. A freshly sharpened pencil sits amid pencils shavings and a pencil sharpener on a blank page, suggesting the start of a new creative writing project.

New literary journal set to enrich Australia's cultural landscape

The new journal is driven by Writers SA with the support of the state’s three universities and Arts South Australia.

The Lucky Ones. On the left is a headshot of a smiling woman in a black top with shoulder length blonde hair. On the right is a book cover with the title across an orange life jacket.

Book review: The Lucky Ones, Melinda Ham

Six Australian immigration stories across time and place.

Nat's What I Reckon. Book cover of recipe book with cheeky, long haired cook in a black T shirt and with a nose ring, pierced lower lip and neck tattoos, and the same author's headshot on the right.

Book review: Smash Hits Recipes, Nat's What I Reckon

Simple, easily made recipes, served with a side of potty-mouthed humour and cooking tips.

White male author Simon Barnard (left) with black book cover for James Hardy Vaux's 1819 Dictionary of Criminal Slang

Book review: 1819 Dictionary of Criminal Slang, James Hardy Vaux and Simon Barnard

Simon Barnard brings new light to a dictionary from the early days of Australia's colonisation.


Book Review: Life Skills for a Broken World by Dr Ahona Guha

A practical guide to good psychological help to bring in the new year.


Book Review: The Buddhist and the Ethicist, Peter Singer and Shih Chao-Hwei

A flawed and occasionally reprehensible dialogue between a Buddhist monastic and a moral philosopher on issues such as animal welfare,…

Photo: Supplied. On the left is a black and white photo of Rodney James, a middle-aged man with light skin and light curly hair, wearing black rimmed glasses and a suite. He is shown from the shoulders up. The right is a cover of the book with a light brown background, a illustration of a man wearing a suit and the words ‘Alan McCulloch’s World of Art | LETTERS TO A CRITIC | Rodney James’.

Book review: Letters to a Critic: Alan McCulloch’s World of Art, Rodney James

An invitation to know the artist, cartoonist and critic, Alan McCulloch, more intimately than through his writing alone.


Book review: The Things We Live With, Gemma Nisbet

Nisbet's book offers food for thought about the meaning we make from the objects in our lives and the ways…

A Brief History of Thought. Image is on the left an upper body shot of author John Bryson, a bald-headed smiling man in a dark shirt and light jacket, on the right a book cover with an illustration of a headshot of the same man in sepia but looking dour.

Book review: A Brief History of Thought – Unfinished, John Bryson

If anyone is up to the ambitious task of analysing the history of thought, it is the author of 'Evil…

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