
What makes a perfect book review?
What are the rules of reviewing books? Ronan McDonald looks at the thorny cultural landscape of the contemporary criticism.

Hannah Gadsby on being an autistic queer comedian
RMIT PhD candidate Clem Bastow discusses comedian Hannah Gadsby’s new book, Ten Steps to Nanette, and how it relates her…

Book review: We've Got This, edited by Eliza Hull
A trailblazing publication that explores the world of disabled parents in Australia.

Book review: The Shortest History of Democracy, John Keane
A solid attempt to make sense of what's happening on the local and international political stage.

Vale Blaise van Hecke
Death of a vibrant supporter of writing and publishing.

Book review: Skin Deep, Phillipa McGuinness
A book about the largest organ in our body.

Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature showcase excellence
This year's prize winners are a diverse group and many of the top prizes go to women.

Book review: Walking Through Honey, Brian Sherman
Despite fame and fortune, a philanthropists reveals the levelling effects of illness.

Book review: Sheilas, Eliza Reilly
A chronological journey through the lives and crimes of world-changing women.

Book review: Hard Knocks, edited by Fiona Scott-Norman
I get knocked down, I get up again: stories of bullying in schools.