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Book review: Mothertongues, Ceridwen Dovey and Eliza Bell

A book that reflects the messy, surreal realities of motherhood.


Book review: Telltale, Carmel Bird

A memoir documenting a lifelong love affair with the written word.


Book review: Open Secrets, edited by Catriona Menzies-Pike

What happens when the creative practice of Australian writers rubs against economic realities?


Book review: Words are Eagles, Gregory Day

An exploration into the cultural complexities of writing about nature in Australia.

A grey-haired woman wearing a white shirt and white-framed glasses sits in front of a crowded bookcase.

The work will outlast the life: Gwen Harwood as feminist icon

Gwen Harwood may be one of Australia’s most celebrated 20th century poets but has often not been seen for the…


Book review: Of Marsupials and Men, Alistair Paton

A historical exploration of the study of Australia’s wildlife, and path to extinction.


Book review: Holy Woman, Louise Omer

A debut memoir exploring feminism and religion.


Book review: Big Beautiful Female Theory, Eloise Grills

Grills critiques the fetishisation of aesthetic counterpoints by highlighting the ‘to-be-looked-at-ness’ of her own personal journey.


Book review: Talking about a Revolution, Yassmin Abdel-Magied

An exploration of resistance and revolution through a personal lens.


Book review: Ten Steps to Nanette, Hannah Gadsby

A comic's hard-won journey is paved with doubt, misogyny and mental health issues.

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