When are you too old for your arts jobs?
In the arts, retirement is often not an option.
Perhaps the arts can learn innovation from banking
The arts like to think of themselves as the heart of originality but perhaps we can learn from info tech,…
Kids teach museums how to play
Museum Victoria consulted more than 600 experts to create its new Children's Gallery and 500 of them were kids. Now…
NGV accused of underpaying its guards
Evidence is increasing of a salary rort at Victoria's premier gallery with security sub-contractors paying gallery guards in cash and…
Time to stop calling ourselves women artists
Are we past the gender pigeonhole? Women artists are divided as to whether the adjective is helping or hindering their…
What an arts career really looks like
No arts career looks the same, but they all have one thing in common - no one really knows where…
Smaller galleries are at breaking point
Small to medium visual arts organisations do double the work for less than half the funding.
Stop the simplification culture
In an age where ideas are reduced to 140 characters, culture makers need to reclaim complexity. Democracy may depend on…
Lucrative opportunities in arts research collaboration
A recent report showed that Australia was at the bottom of the list when it came to business-university collaboration. The…
The secrets to keeping the doors open
Longevity can seem an elusive concept in the current arts funding climate, so we asked a few established organisations to…