
Thredbo Blues Festival
The Thredbo Blues Festival, this year featuring Geoff Achison’s Classically Blue, Blue Heat, Jeff Lang, Christina Crofts, Gail Page and…

AUDITION SERIES: Common audition mistakes
There are so many things in auditions that are beyond you’re control, that have nothing to do with talent and…

A career as a freelance journalist
CAREER ADVICE: We’re told the bell tolls for journalism. Newspaper circulation is down across the globe, newsroom floors are running…

ArtsHub's top Australian arts leaders
TOP ARTS LEADERS 2010: To mark the end of 2010, well nearly, we’ve pulled together our thoughts on who we…

AUDITION SERIES: What to expect at an audition
AUDITION SERIES: Fantastic, you’ve got an audition. But now, that you’ve stopped jumping up and down, the nerves have set…

AUDITION SERIES: Preparing for an audition
AUDITION SERIES: How will you know when you’re prepared for your big audition? Try saying these lines and see how…

Prizes, awards and grants for 2011
PRIZES, AWARDS AND GRANTS: Have you done something great? Maybe a lot of things, maybe where you work or someone…

What's happening this summer
ARTSHUB SUMMER: The summer holidays are almost here, lazy days, great weather and the opportunity to indulge. If you just…

ArtsHub's big stories for 2010
ARTSHUB'S BIG STORIES 2010: Yes, as voted by you with your digital feet – here’s some of the top 2010…

Our top 10 arts organisations to work for
What arts organisations in Australia are doing the most exciting things? Where in the arts would you like to work?…