
The School for Wives
BELL SHAKESPEARE: This venture away from the bard to his near-contemporary, the French playwright Molière, does not disappoint.

National Plain English Speaking Award 2012
Them’s fighting words for the state and territory winners of the Plain English Speaking Award who contest the national final…

Charmian Gradwell, resident voice coach, STC
Actor, director and voice specialist with the Royal Shakespeare Company and now resident voice coach at the STC, Charmian Gradwell…

Anita Iacovella, teacher and printmaker
Printmaker, teacher, community artist and mother, Anita Iacovella still finds the time to prepare for an upcoming solo show.
Focus on the selection criteria
Keeping the selection criteria in mind will help you answer interview questions effectively.

Clint Hurrell: designer-director
Clint Hurrell has twenty-five years experience designing and directing Spectacle Art projects from Bondi Beach New Years Eve Fire Sculptures…

Stephen Lloyd Helper
Producer and director Stephen Lloyd Helper is known for creating and championing work of cultural diversity.

Jeremy ‘Yongurra’ Donovan
Jeremy Donovan is national spokesperson for Generation One and ambassador for CREATivE CHANGE.

Funding cuts threaten NSW arts jobs
Sydney’s largest cultural institutions may have to cut staff and programs after the NSW state government announced millions of dollars…

Why not both access and excellence?
The Australia Council Review wants access arts in a separate stream from excellence. Peak bodies are not convinced.