
Sex, art and Bill Henson
The fuss about Bill Henson's teen nudes points to a failure to understand the role of artists as truth-tellers.

Natalie Lewis: Super Dingo
The long awaited, highly anticipated episode of Super Dingo Vs. The Hippies makes its world premiere on YouTube today.

What does your family life say about you?
Keeping work and family life separate may well be the key to success, but what message does your family life…

The best anti-procrastination tips
You may think you’ve tried all the procrastination remedies known to mankind, but we’ve got some tips that are bound…

Think small
Everyone thinks they want to work for the big guns, but there’s no reason why small can’t be the new…

Lesbian kiss wakes Sleeping Beauty
A Ukrainian Sleeping Beauties exhibition has taken an unexpected turn, with one of the beauties awoken by a lesbian kiss.

New Bill Henson show as controversial as ever
Although it hasn’t even opened yet, Bill Henson’s new show at Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery is already receiving unwelcome attention.

The RSL ANZAC Art Awards for all NSW school students carry cash prizes for all category winners and a major…

National Summer Art Scholarship 2013
Applications close on October 22 for the National Gallery of Australia’s National Summer Art Scholarship 2013 awarded to 16 students…

Rain Francis, dance teacher and choreographer
Tutor, teacher, choreographer, performer and arts writer, Rain Francis is a model of virtuosity and versatility.