
Urban artist and placemaker Candy Chang to present at Vivid Ideas
New Orleans artist Candy Chang is among an impressive line up of artists to be presenting works at Vivid Ideas…

When art meets science at Vivid Ideas 2014
Californian artist David Goodsell will showcase his molecular watercolours and computer graphics at Vivid Ideas 2014.

Vivid Ideas hit-list for arts professionals
ArtsHub list their top picks for Vivid Ideas 2014.

Thought Provokers: Six must-see keynote speakers at Vivid Ideas 2014
Speakers from around the globe will feature in an exclusive keynote program at Vivid Ideas 2014.

Money laundering law may trip arts fundraising
New laws aimed at preventing shady offshore financing could create difficulties for arts companies with international agendas.
New Arts Vic Director
Arts Victoria has finally made a formal appointment to the top spot.

Emerging artists winners in new NSW fellowships
Arts NSW has broadened opportunities in an upgraded fellowship program.

How to raise big money for a specific purpose
Chutzpah, nous and planning are the keys to a successful fundraising campaign.

Community arts youth-saturated
Funding models are driving community arts practitioners towards working with young people, at the expense of other segments of the…

Public holiday schedule changes
Due to public holidays, ArtsHub Bulletins will be in your inbox on different days over the next week.