
Victorian Government woos arts sector with $44.9 million
A new Southbank festival, capital works and an expanded VCA campus are among the Government’s election year largesse.

Sculptures by Night
A sculpture walk with an environmental twist turns a winter night into a glowing gem.

New generation of arts leaders get a boost
The Emerging Leaders Development Program hopes to slow the turnover in arts management positions.

Community radio sector launches pre-emptive budget campaign
Last week’s Commission of Audit recommended cutting all funding for the Community Broadcasting Program.

Queensland demands arts pay their way
Queensland has launched a business-oriented cultural strategy focused on investment and measurement.

Evaluating the sector, not just the project
Community arts organisations are bunkering down, more focused on their own work than the big picture impact of the sector.

Sydney Biennale chooses a new path (or two)
Sydney transforms into 'The City of Forking Paths' after unveiling its inaugural Biennale legacy artwork.

Crowdfunding moves beyond project funding
The latest player on the crowdfunding scene is bringing back the role of the patron with on-going funding models.

Music strategy aims to support city music venues
Melbourne city turns over more than $5 million every weekend from music venues so Council wants to make it work.

The King, the kids and I
Famous for its cast of kids, the King and I is a natural partner for the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.