
How to be a boss about being a boss
Whether you have a team of reports or a single offsider, learning to manage people is an essential career skill.

The end of Catalyst: four ironies
We need to understand the failure of Catalyst in more complex terms than a zero-sum game of winners and losers.

Age discrimination on the increase
Young workers expect older colleagues to get out of the way, freeing up jobs and ceding key cultural spaces.

Radical self-care we need more than a manicure
Self-care has been hijacked by a consumption-driven wellness industry but activists are reclaiming it as a political act which defies…

20 ways to read more
Some of the world's most successful people read voraciously. But can mere mortals do it too?

Create NSW debuts with funding focus
Ambitious funding program shows Create NSW’s commitment to keeping up its services to both arts and screen.

Affording a home while working in the arts
Those who work in erratic creative careers are typical of the group who could benefit from changes to housing policy.

$50 million initiative targets workplace mental health
The new government strategy will be especially welcomed in the arts, where rates of depression and anxiety are considerably higher…

What is Blak design?
Bringing Indigenous culture into design has moved beyond tokenistic firepits to issues of access and social justice.

Let's get arts practitioners on arts boards
There's a lack of input from people working in the arts joining to the decision-making bodies.