Book review: The Invocations, Krystal Sutherland
A thrilling dark YA urban fantasy about three young women and their demons.
Book review: The Wartime Book Club, Kate Thompson
The new historical fiction from this bestselling author is rewarding, but uneven.
Book review: One Another, Gail Jones
Gail Jones' latest novel shines a light darkly through the life of Joseph Conrad.
Book review: The Star on the Grave, Linda Margolin Royal
A novel inspired by the 'Japanese Schindler' and the author's personal ties to his wartime actions.
Book review: The Next Big Thing, James Colley
Easy beach read romcom is quintessentially Australian in flavour.
Mills & Boon: How to write steamy scenes
Four Mills & Boon Australian authors offer tips on how to write racy copy.
New literary journal set to enrich Australia's cultural landscape
The new journal is driven by Writers SA with the support of the state’s three universities and Arts South Australia.
Book review: Greater City Shadows, Laurie Steed
This collection of short stories is an intimate and evocative appraisal of relationships.
Book review: Edenglassie, Melissa Lucashenko
This epic book traces the lives of two characters over two different timelines.
Book review: Women & Children, Tony Birch
Tony Birch's latest novel canvasses violence, race and religion.