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Jennifer Down wins the 2022 Miles Franklin Literary Award

An epic novel about trauma, vulnerability and regeneration takes out the nation's top literary prize.


Book review: Daisy & Woolf, Michelle Cahill

Pulling characters from the margins to the fore: an elegant meditation on race, class and privilege.


Book review: The Diplomat, Chris Womersley

A powerful and gripping novel of agony and the despair of regret


Book review: Enclave, Claire G. Coleman

A dystopian future that bears too scary a resemblance to certain contemporary realities.


2022 Miles Franklin shortlist announced

Five authors compete for the nation's most prestigious literary prize.


Book review: My Heart is a Little Wild Thing, Nigel Featherstone

This tender story of family and relationships is also a coming-out tale that sees the protagonist wresting control of his…


Book review: This All Come Back Now, edited by Mykaela Saunders

A mixtape of Un-Australian First Nations futurism from the collective campfire.


Book review: Another Australia, edited by Winnie Dunn

The follow up collection to After Australia, this book offers the lived experience of Indigenous and writers of colour.


Book review: The Eulogy, Jackie Bailey

An autofiction debut that eulogises family and loss with eloquence.


Book review: What Fear Was, Ben Walter

A debut collection of stories surveys contemporary environmental and climate terrain.

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