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Appreciation. On the left is an author headshot of a young man with a closely shaved beard and moustache and a black round neck top. On the right is an illustration of a person in black holding a painter's palette, against a blue (they are standing in water) and orange backdrop with their head exploding in flames.

Book review: Appreciation, Liam Pieper

A confusing and, at times, ill-paced romp.

Lead Us Not. Image on left is a book cover in beige of a bare arm reaching round a wall. On the right is a head shot of a young smiling woman with shoulder length hair and blue eyes.

Book review: Lead Us Not, Abbey Lay

What happens when a friend ghosts you and you have no idea why?


Move over Millennials, it's time for older women writers to shine

Are the works of older women writers writing about their lives a new Australian publishing trend?

Two panels. Left: black and white photo of blonde woman in a cap, author Donna Cameron. Right. Image of her book, 'The Rewilding'

Book review: The Rewilding, Donna M Cameron

A climate change novel that explores ecological possibilities.

The Invocations. On the left is a colour headshot of a young woman with long fair hair, head tilted to the left and smiling slightly at the camera. On the right is a book cover for The Invocations, with a young woman glowering in the centre and two others behind her.

Book review: The Invocations, Krystal Sutherland

A thrilling dark YA urban fantasy about three young women and their demons.

The Wartime Book Club. Image on the left is a book cover with a picture of a 1940s woman in a yellow jumper. On the right is a colour author image of a woman in a white short sleeved blouse with mid length blonde hair and a side parting. She is smiling ruefully off to the right.

Book review: The Wartime Book Club, Kate Thompson

The new historical fiction from this bestselling author is rewarding, but uneven.

Two panels. On the left a black and white portrait of author Gail Jones, a woman with long dark hair and a fringe. Right: cover of her book 'One Another'.

Book review: One Another, Gail Jones

Gail Jones' latest novel shines a light darkly through the life of Joseph Conrad.


Book review: The Star on the Grave, Linda Margolin Royal

A novel inspired by the 'Japanese Schindler' and the author's personal ties to his wartime actions.

The Next Big Thing. Image on the left is an author shot from the waist up of a smiling bearded man with dark hair, wearing an open necked white shirt and dark jacket, with crossed arms. On the right is the book cover which has the title in big pink upper case letters over an orange and yellow illustration of a boy and a girl holding up the letters of the title, with some Australian big things in the background - a Merino sheep, a pineapple and a prawn.

Book review: The Next Big Thing, James Colley

Easy beach read romcom is quintessentially Australian in flavour.

A profile of a woman. The bottom half of her is covered by steam.

Mills & Boon: How to write steamy scenes

Four Mills & Boon Australian authors offer tips on how to write racy copy.

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