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Two women wearing bedazzled gloves are holding onto their stretched out legs that are shod in silver high heels.

Dance review: Wet Hard Long, Dancehouse

Contemporary dance performed in eight-inch heels is spellbinding.

A woman with brown hair and a pink dress and an open book on her lap is sitting next to a man dressed up as a beast, with horns and facial hair. There is a backdrop of a library.

Musical review: Beauty and the Beast the Musical, Her Majesty's Theatre

A fun night out for the whole family thanks to theatrical magic and big budget spectacle. 

A woman is standing in front of a red curtain drape. She has dark hair and is dressed in black, with red trim. She is gesticulating, with arms stretched out, dramatically.

Cabaret review: The Exotic Lives of Lola Montez, Chapel Off Chapel

A cabaret tribute to the scandalous 19th century dancer and performer.

A black and white photograph of three members of the Deaf Indigenous Dance Group, all of whom stand with their backs to the camera. The photo is focused on a central figure who wears a grass skirt and holds clapping stocks behind his back. A figure in shorts stands to his left, and another figure in a loincloth stands to his right.

Deaf in dance: feeling the beat

‘Deaf in dance’, a free showcase featuring photos, artworks and stories from the Deaf Indigenous Dance Group (DIDG) is on…

Selma Coultard and Mervyn Rubuntja at the Desert Mob Symposium 2023. Photo: Rhett Hammerton. A dark-skinned Aboriginal man with a short grey beard gestures with his left hand while holding a microphone in his right hand, into which he is speaking. He wears a brown hat, brown jacket and tan-coloured slacks. A brown-skinned Aboriginal woman wearing glasses, with her hair hair held back by a headscarf, sits to his right, but she is not the main focus of the photograph. The two sit beneath a screen, suggesting they are speaking on stage together.

Culture keeps the fire burning at Desert Mob

Desert Mob ignites Mparntwe/Alice Springs with First Nations pride and supports ethical purchasing of artworks alongside diverse programming.

Ten figures are sitting cross-legged in formation with their hands raised above their heads. They are wearing light, floaty trousers. The men are bare-chested. The women are wearing brown-coloured bras.

Dance review: Horizon, Drama Theatre, Sydney Opera House

Bangarra Dance Theatre’s darkly beautiful new production draws upon the ancient roots of both Australian and New Zealand First Nations…

Hong Kong Dance Company's 'Convergence' touring to Sydney. Photo: Supplied. Two dancers engaged in martial arts movements on a stage. The stage floor seems to be a digital screen with black and white swirls.

Driving cultural ambition with touring performances and global partnerships

Hong Kong is driving its arts and cultural strategy with touring performances to Australia and a global partnership with Art…

Three women in colourful printed clothes stand in front of assorted wire baskets that are also lit up.

Performance review: Gurr Era Op, RISING Festival, Arts House

Torres Strait Islander women confront the devastation of climate change and battle the rising tide.

A woman is kneeling in the middle of a stage, with her head back. Plumes of fire are coming out of her mouth

Performance review: Limbo – The Return, The Grand Electric

Strut & Fret hits the mark with this bacchanalian mix of cabaret, circus and acrobatics. 

A blonde woman in a strapless evening gown is standing next to a bathtub, which is on a raised platform.

Performance review: The 2024 Variety Gala, Adelaide Cabaret Festival, Festival Theatre

A charcuterie plate of cabaret excellence!

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