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Time Machine. STREB EXTREME ACTION. A group of red lycra clad performers cling to a huge half circle metal wheel in a display of dexterity and strength.

Performance Review: Time Machine, Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide Festival

A high-energy display of action and acrobatics. 

A series of acrobats perform handstands, two-highs and three-highs by the edge of a body of water, in which their reflections are visible.

More companies celebrate significant anniversaries in 2024

Brisbane's Circa and Sydney's Legs on the Wall are among the companies celebrating significant anniversaries this year.

Australian circus: four circus performers on stage. Two of them are positioned underneath one who is flying through the air, and one is ready to catch the leaping performer.

International views on Australian circus

This year’s Australian Performing Arts Market (APAM) turns the spotlight on circus and physical theatre, and there is at least…

A young female circus performer flies through the air, suspended by her feet from a rope. She has a long plait which accentuates her movement as it too swings through the air.

Flying Fruit Fly Circus announces NexGen partnership with Cirque du Soleil

Australia's national youth circus and the Canadian entertainment juggernaut are partnering to uncover and develop new circus talents.


Performance review: Briefs – Dirty Laundry, Sydney Mardi Gras

A Mardi Gras headline act, this queer acrobatic troupe returns for more mischief.

Three young circus performers wearing clean white clothing perform acts on a stack of milk crates. One is holding the crates while another is performing the human flag, and a third is climbing on top of the tower. In the background is a wall of crates in black, green, red and blue, with the back wall covered with newspapers.

Daring and intergenerational circus acts on the festival circuit

Circus shows from performers ranging from youths to sexagenarians are heading for MICF and Adelaide.

A fire destroys a new circus venue.

Circus venue devastated by fire

Barely a year after opening, Brisbane's newest circus venue has been rendered completely out of order.

Appeasing Nergal. Three performers attempting to balance wine glasses in front of a sofa against a black backdrop.

Performance review: Appeasing Nergal, FRINGE WORLD, WA

Three circus performers try to entertain themselves during lockdown.

Teenage performers in tuxedos and shorts jump out of a white piano in Tempo by the Flying Fruit Fly Circus at Art Centre Melbourne.

Performance review: Tempo, Arts Centre Melbourne

The Fruities jump back onto our stages with a music themed performance.

Dangerous Goods. Three black clad performers wear T shirts that say 'show up' and sing into microphones while spotlights shine down on them.

Performance review: Dangerous Goods, QPAC

A high-octane cabaret that includes circus, aerials, drag and burlesque.

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