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Humanities graduates earn more than those who study science and maths
While science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) graduates are a focus of Education minister Dan Tehan’s reforms, not all STEM…
Taking action for cultural safety
COVID-19 has impacted most heavily on those who were already systemically underserved or excluded. With a global call for change…
Burnout, slob, slack or daydreamer: What we can learn from the 'not-working' types
Not-working can create discomfort for many of us who are used to perpetual doing. Learning about the four inertial archetypes…
Why the words you use count in SEO
If you want people to know about your arts website, Search Engine Optimisation is the key to your success.
Fee cuts for nursing and teaching but hikes for humanities in new uni package
The government plan provides for an additional 100,000 places by 2030 but will see the student contribution for humanities degrees…
Make your post-COVID tax return work for you
In the wake of COVID-19 setbacks, arts professionals need to maximise on their tax returns this year. Creative Crunchers specialises…
Skin in the game: why artists need to take control of their finances
Arts accountant and gallery owner Michael Fox has a long history of advocating for fair pay for Australian artists. ArtsHub…
Getting the best financial advice for difficult times
Now more than ever, expert financial advice is crucial for artists and arts workers. Four arts accountants provide practical advice…
Translating business jargon so artists can focus on making art
With tax time looming, it’s more important than ever to find an accountant who understands how the arts sector works…
Artists Essentials Toolkit video #1: how to get your art online
In our new video series we look at getting started with your online presence from a blog to websites to…