Melbourne Symphony Orchestra launches 2014 season
The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s 2014 season has been revealed, and its new focus on accessibility will be music to many…
Should you share your secrets?
Your artistic secrets are your livelihood. You don't have to tell how you got the rabbit into the hat.
Police monitor vagina exhibition
Complaints were made to the City of Sydney council regarding a recent exhibition in celebration of the vagina.
Suits to cyborgs: the rise of smart fashion
Shoes with GPS and digital cosmetics with hologram colour are among the latest projects from fashion designers embracing technology.
Small publishers, big opportunities
Many authors dream of signing an huge multi-book deal with a large publisher. But big is not always the best…
Grant rejections: what are you doing wrong?
Avoid common application mistakes and increase your chances of securing a grant.
Curtain set to open on student theatre festival
Over 150 theatre students from around Australia will be given a chance to perform works and participate in artistic discussion.
NORPA theatre season rolls into action
Tickets for Northern Rivers Performing Arts shows now on sale after a rockabilly roller derby launch party of its 2013…
Over $100,000 up for grabs in Melbourne Prize for Music
Classical pianists and thrash metal guitarists are all up for a chance to win the Melbourne Prize for Music in…
Cashed-up avatars pay out in real life
Artists are making real life money from participating in the digital world of Second Life.