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Empowering creative practitioners through research

Can academic research push the boundaries of creative practice? Yes, and more.


How are bears and art students similar?

Winter is a good time to retreat to the studio, and the National Art School is offering intensive courses to…


Those who can do, teach

Have we moved beyond our tendency to dismiss educators as failed practitioners? In creative education, and even more broadly, it's…


The joy (and difficulty) of doing what you love

Graduating is only the beginning of the struggle. What you do next is key.


Why creatives need to learn from each other

Graduates do better with a multi-disciplinary approach.


Opportunity to enter Queensland’s biggest photography art prize

Queensland’s biggest art prize received a boost this year, bringing the total prize money to $50,000.


Take your shot – even at roles you aren’t trained for

Don’t let inexperience stop your creativity. Learning new skills can be eye-opening.


Creativity – it’s the full bleed

Create NSW is set to bring artists, creatives and screen practitioners together around the table during Sydney’s VIVID Ideas to…


The best conversations are often uncomfortable, so speak up.

The MCA has designed an edgy weekend program that dints you a little, stirring up conversation on topics that matter…


A residency that is looking for maverick artists

Making art in a whisky distillery is far from your white-box residency. Glenfiddich is calling for visual artists to hit…

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