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The Wartime Book Club. Image on the left is a book cover with a picture of a 1940s woman in a yellow jumper. On the right is a colour author image of a woman in a white short sleeved blouse with mid length blonde hair and a side parting. She is smiling ruefully off to the right.

Book review: The Wartime Book Club, Kate Thompson

The new historical fiction from this bestselling author is rewarding, but uneven.

Hyperbolic Psychedelic Mind Melting Tunnel of Light, the image is the silhouette of a person holding a joystick in the foreground and behind them an explosion of red laser lights.

Installation review: Hyperbolic Psychedelic Mind Melting Tunnel of Light, Mona Foma Festival

An installation that allows you to control the light and sounds yourself.

Mona Foma, Kutcha Edwards and the Australian Art Orchestra. Image is of a First Nations man singing at night on a stage, with a band of musicians around him and yellow spotlights beaming across the image.

Music review: Mona Sessions, Moma Foma

Mona Sessions presented a dazzling array of different musical acts as part of the Mona Foma festival.

ICONS. installation view of a black walled gallery with large colourful photographs hanging on the walls.

Exhibition review: Steve McCurry ICONS, Seaworks Maritime Museum

Over 100 well-known Steve McCurry images are brought together at the Seaworks Maritime Museum this February.

Sherlock Holmes. Image is a grey-haired middle aged man in a gold brocade smoking jacket.

Performance review: Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act, Adelaide Fringe Festival

A one-man performance channelling arguably the world's most famous detective.


Theatre review: The Lewis Trilogy, Griffin Theatre

A trilogy of plays by Louis Nowra is a mixed bag of treats.

Two panels. On the left a black and white portrait of author Gail Jones, a woman with long dark hair and a fringe. Right: cover of her book 'One Another'.

Book review: One Another, Gail Jones

Gail Jones' latest novel shines a light darkly through the life of Joseph Conrad.


Music review: Umberto’s Mahler, QPAC

A triumphant Mahler 7 opened the Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s 2024 Maestro Series.

Artist Sayoko Suwabe in a small blue paddling pool scraping off the paint on one of her portraits. Uncertain Contours of Images. Sayoko Suwabe.

Exhibition review: Uncertain Contours of Images: Sayoko Suwabe, SOL Gallery

Japanese artist Sayoko Suwabe mixes paint with performance art.

Future Cargo. Two figures in silver bodysuits moving across a panel.

Performance review: Future Cargo, Adelaide Fringe Festival

Alien arrivals distinguish a mesmerising dance performance.

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