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Band of Brothers. On the left are two men in their 30s/40s with black T shirts, one looking at the camera, the one behind him looking down. In another photo on the right are two men of Egyptian appearance, one with a fez and fulsome beard and moustache, another behind in flat cap and a moustache.

Music review: Band of Brothers, Playhouse, Adelaide Festival

A magical melange of new and old musical forms.

The Government Inspector. Three men in brightly coloured shirts look at the phone the middle one is holding. A woman behind is peering over his shoulder to see too. They all look concerned.

Theatre review: The Government Inspector, Clubhouse Theatre, Townsville

A riotous Aussie adaptation of Gogol's classic work.


Theatre review: Grand Theft Theatre, Adelaide Festival

A recreation of memorable theatrical experiences forms the basis of this show.

Elderly man is sitting on a step ladder in a black suit with his eyes closed. He is dipping a paint brush into a tub held by another person and on the wall is a large splash of red paint.

Performance reviews: Marina Abramović Institute: Takeover, Adelaide Festival

A suite of duration works from different artists in different spaces.

Milked. Two young men sit on a stage of fake grass, one looking down despondent, the other crouched in front of him.

Theatre review: Milked, fortyfivedownstairs

Two childhood friends in rural Herefordshire traverse life's emotional landscape.

Ghost Poetry. On the left is a book cover with a close-up of a horse's face. On the right is an author image of a young man in a field, with his hands in his pockets and looking off to the right.

Book Review: Ghost Poetry, Robbie Coburn

A poetry collection that reflects deeply on trauma, loss and hope.

Who Comes Calling? On the left is a red and blue abstract book cover, on the right a head and shoulders author image of a woman of Asian appearance with shoulder length straight black hair parted in the middle and a grey short sleeved T shirt.

Book review: Who Comes Calling?, Miriam Wei Wei Lo

Miriam Wei Wei Lo's second poetry collection explores motherhood, immigration, religion and the creative life.

Two of Them. Two men in business suits on a stage. One is in the centre with his arms outstretched to the side, the other sitting behind on a stool with his arm in a sling. There are two abstract projections of spheres on the back wall.

Theatre review: Two of Them, Adelaide Fringe

An absurd mix of text, movement and animation.

Woman in black dress sweeping up sand artwork in old building

Exhibition review: Dana Awartani, Samstag Museum of Art, Adelaide

An undoubted highlight of the Adelaide Festival visual arts program, this exhibition explores creation and erasure.

The Sound of Music. Image is a woman in a white nightgown sitting on a bed singing to the seven children sitting and standing around her.

Musical review: The Sound of Music, The National Theatre

The iconic musical returns for another opportunity to revisit a few of your favourite songs.

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