ADELAIDE FESTIVAL CENTRE: The latest chapter in the Children’s Cheering Carpet series is an interactive journey through the culture and…
Voiceworks magazine No. 84: Pulp
EXPRESS MEDIA: The latest issue of this long-running magazine is a treasure trove of new writing by Australians aged under…
Greg Proops
MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL: Greg Proops is a very funny guy, no mistaking it. He’s quick, intelligent and has introspection,…
Spontaneous Broadway
MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL: Spontaneous Broadway is high-wire comedy where every night is different, an improvised musical created from the…
La boheme
OPERA AUSTRALIA: This Gale Edwards production sets the action of Puccini’s well known and much loved opera in Berlin in…
Space Invaders
UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND ART MUSEUM: This touring exhibition showcases a decade of Australian street art and zine culture.
DANCE BITES 2011: A mesmerizing double bill that is both thoughtfully produced and thought provoking.
boy girl wall
LA BOITE: A hilarious restaging of Matthew Ryan & Lucas Stibbard’s remarkable one man show.
New Art Club - Big Bag of Boom
MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL: Contemporary dance is ripe for satire, which is exactly what these UK choreographers turned comedians do…
Delectable Shelter
MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL: Acclaimed independent theatre company The Hayloft Project turn their hand to a black comedy about white…