A Streetcar Named Desire
A piece of New Orleans arrives in Perth, full of secrets, fear and desire.
Guys and Dolls
Despite being full of energy and colour, with a shrewd design, something quite profound is missing from this revival.
Love and Light
Yvette Coppersmith invites former lovers to construct nude models of herself which she repurposes for this series of paintings.
Who You Are
Based on the story of Lord Tichborne, English heir to a fortune, presumed to have died at sea and who…
An Evening with Glen Hansard
Full arrangements using string quartet, extra guitars and percussion augmented Hansard's well-nuanced vocal delivery.
Green Porno
The information that Rossellini provides is endlessly absorbing, frequently mind-boggling and always entertaining.
Grand Central
Away from a thankless, dangerous routine, Gary and Karole's romance is an escape from their duties and completely forbidden.
New 14
The works oscillate between the real and the unreal, creating a cultural commentary which is both relatable and subversive.
The Drowsy Chaperone
Even though it parodies its own art form, Squabbalogic’s The Drowsy Chaperone certainly does what a musical is supposed to…
Presenting astonishing solos, a delightful male pas de deux, a terrific series of trios and quartets and fine ensemble work.