Book review: I'd Rather Not, Robert Skinner
Amusing tales of a dilettante.
Music review: Symphony Series 4 Embrace, Adelaide Town Hall
A sentimental musical journey and a world premiere.
Exhibition review: Between Waves, ACCA
The third iteration of the Yalingwa series, ‘Between Waves’ resets binaries to find a delicate in-between space.
Book review: Personal Score, Ellen van Neerven
Ellen Van Neervan's latest book is a non-fiction about the nexus between sport, culture and identity.
Opera review: Idomeneo, Palais Theatre
A striking co-production that draws on Greek mythology to offer hope for a new world.
Film review: Audrey Napanangka
This Australian documentary of Audrey Napanangka provides an expansive yet intimate portrait of a family living between two worlds.
Performance review: Josh Staley, Quicker than the Eye, Arrow on Swanston
Not just quick of hand, Staley is also funny and a good showman.
Book review: The Scope of Permissibility, Zeynab Gamieldien
A debut novel tracks the lives of a trio of friends as they explore university life and their Muslim faith.
Exhibition review: Twist, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
‘Twist’ is one of those rare exhibitions that hit the mark on both depth and scope, with curious encounters and…
Light event review: Resonate and Mirror Mirror, Illuminate Adelaide
Innovative and enchanting, Moment Factory's 'Resonate' and 'Mirror Mirror' light up the city as part of Illuminate Adelaide.