Exhibition review: Brent Harris: The Other Side, Auckland Art Gallery
Brent Harris' survey exhibition takes viewers on an emotional journey and search for meaning.
Book review: Prudish Nation, Paul Dalgarno
Over 30 authors offer their perspectives on "unconventional" relationships.
Exhibition review: Open Borders, John Curtin Gallery
Contemporary arts and curatorial practice opens a dialogue with regional and remote Western Australia.
Book review: Restless Dolly Maunder, Kate Grenville
Kate Grenville’s latest novel considers the life of her maternal grandmother.
Theatre review: Powder Room, The MC Showroom
Forget the dance floor, the real action happens in the bathroom.
Theatre review: The Approach, Flight Path Theatre
An intriguing display of betrayal and broken friendships.
Book review: Perfect-ish, Jessica Seaborn
A novel of light and dark tones, this 'anti rom-com' book explores how the grass is always greener elsewhere.
Dance review: AGE, Theatre Royal Studio, Hobart
A youth dance troupe in Tasmania offered a tender and energetic performance.
Performance review: Catastrophes, PICA, WA
This performance piece is hard to describe, but easy to love.
Theatre review: Ladies Who Wait, Subiaco Arts Centre, WA
A fun historical romp, not to be taken seriously, but to be seriously enjoyed.