Jeremy ‘Yongurra’ Donovan
Jeremy Donovan is national spokesperson for Generation One and ambassador for CREATivE CHANGE.

Aimee Fairman
Melbourne-based installation artist Aimee Fairman combines installation, sculpture and photography in her work, which has been exhibited nationally and internationally.

Karlis Zaid
Cabaret artist Karlis Zaid is taking his latest darkly humorous work to the Melbourne Cabaret Festival.

Elena Knox
Rising cabaret star Elena Knox plays with gender imaging.

Roxanne McDonald
Roxanne McDonald is an indigenous actor and storyteller.

Helen Kassa
Writer, director, producer Helen Kassa talks of

Natano Fa’anana
Natano Fa’anana brings a fresh new approach to the circus arts drawing inspiration from his Polynesian roots.

Kestie Morassi
Actress Kestie Morassi stars in 'Things Not To Do After a Break Up'.

Cassandra Magrath
Actress Cassandra Magrath takes to the stage in 'Things Not To Do After a Break Up'.

Steven McGregor
Steve McGregor is an Indigenous writer/director from the Northern Territory. His documentary 'Croker Island Exodus' is screening at SFF.