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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Arts lobbying succeeds with Senate Inquiry

Arts activists today are celebrating the success of the call for a Senate Inquiry by ArtsPeak, the confederation of national…

Opinions & Analysis

Youth sector at risk as small-to-mediums squeezed

Theatre for young people is entirely dependent on the small-to-medium sector, vulnerable to the Brandis reallocation and resultant suspension of…

Opinions & Analysis

Crowdfunding acquisitions: the next fundraising trend

Our museums use social media to stimulate audiences, so why not use technology’s reach to grow their collections?

Opinions & Analysis

Pregnancy gives a creative boost

Far from being a career killer, pregnancy can generate a creative rush. Growing a baby can be an artist's most…

Opinions & Analysis

Boycott call prompts questions about self-publishing

Art dealer Beverly Knight has called for a boycott of a monograph by collector Pat Corrigan. We investigate the line…

Opinions & Analysis

Why the arts drives economic growth

South by South West has the wisdom to recognise that it's not just technology that drives economic growth – the…

Opinions & Analysis

Beyond Sorry: colonial oppression on Australian stages

A new body of Australian theatre explores White Australia’s guilt and the darker recesses of the non-Indigenous psyche.

Opinions & Analysis

An artless budget

The Abbott Government has trashed the principle of arm's length funding free from political interference, argues the Opposition.

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Red tape driving the Aboriginal art market offshore

Australia's protectionist law is pushing trade in culturally significant Aboriginal Art overseas and weakening the local market.

Opinions & Analysis

Small-to-mediums struggle to survive Brandis raid

The loss of $104.8 million from the Australia Council threatens many small arts companies with extinction.

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