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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Is Taylor Swift a Nasty Girl? (and why you should care)

The recent furore over a dress worn by Taylor Swift has lessons for designers in how to protect your creative…

Opinions & Analysis

Art after the Tsunami

Four years after the devastating Tsunami, parts of Japan are still in recovery. An artist from Polyglot reflects on working…

Opinions & Analysis

History sheds light on Australia Council attack

As artists confront the 2015 Budget cuts to the Australia Council, looking at the history of arts funding controversies can…

Opinions & Analysis

We have a ‘show tunes’ government, with an arts policy to match

The current government's arts policy makes about as much sense as the plot of most major musicals.

Opinions & Analysis

Do excellence numbers hide a sneaky arts funding cut?

Do the new guidelines for the National Program for Excellence in the Arts conceal a funding cut? That’s the unanswered…

Opinions & Analysis

Julie Bishop look around you!

Australia thinks of itself as freer than Indonesia but our northern neighbour has a cultural generosity we might envy in…

Opinions & Analysis

#fundedlikeamajor: Who is really subsidising the arts Australians love?

Data shows that art lovers aren’t going to the same places where the money is. It's time funding began to…

Opinions & Analysis

Australia Council changes will also affect university museums

The aftershocks of Brandis' raid on the AusCo will have a serious impact on the future topography of the cultural…

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Arts Captain's Calls suit the plan for a docile, ignorant public

The National Program for Excellence in the Arts threatens to return us to the days when artists were punished with…

Opinions & Analysis

No waiver, no art

Artists and galleries are increasingly requiring visitors to sign away their legal rights before visiting impactful interactive installations.

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