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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Our new five dollar note: so bad it’s good or just bad?

The basic art for the new Australian five dollar note, to be released in September, is creating controversy.

Opinions & Analysis

Has the bell finally tolled for theatre subscriptions?

Probably not, but the use case is changing globally. Better data is essential to keeping up with customer needs.

Opinions & Analysis

Gender equity in Australian art

In every generation, the work has to start anew as gender inequality in the arts is once more recognised, resisted…

Opinions & Analysis

How living museums are ‘waking up’ sleeping artefacts

Aboriginal people are reconnecting with cultural traditions through access to museum collections.

Opinions & Analysis

Our schools need artists - and chaplains are the key

A simple and affordable change to the established chaplains program could embed artists and creative practice in every state school…

Opinions & Analysis

Lessons on staging a new Australian musical

Getting a new music theatre production to the stage is like reversing a battleship into a car park, but it…

Opinions & Analysis

The plight of the artist-run initiative

Artist-run collectives count, but they’re facing death by a thousand cuts.

Opinions & Analysis

Culture needs to catch up with the new old

Arts organisations need to adjust their thinking to engage a booming population with time and energy to live a rich,…

Opinions & Analysis

Global art market declines as China pulls plug

The US market is booming with the highest ever level of sales but China's decline has punctured the global art…

Opinions & Analysis

Restructures can be good news for art schools

What is perceived as a reduction, can actually be an opportunity for a renaissance in university art education.

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