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Opinions & Analysis

Image: Shutterstock. Collage of a lip with a cross over it and a hand holding up a microphone.
Opinions & Analysis

Dark side of the arts: where fear and transparency collide

What are arts journalists to do when those we are trying to empower to speak up fear the repercussions?

Opinions & Analysis

Under a wet blanket: navigating the Australian arts ecosystem as First Nations artists

It's time that First Nations artists were allowed to be in the driver's seat and not confined to the passenger's.

Gauguin. Painting of two Tahitian women.

Do we want Gauguin back?

The NGA's recently announced 'Gauguin World' exhibition raises questions, but also proposes new answers.

Arts funding. Image is an illustration of a man in black jumping through a red and white hoop held by a huge hand in a cloudy sky.
Opinions & Analysis

Arts funding that honours artists rather than neoliberal markets

What the sector needs are separate funding streams for emerging and established artists that evaluate financial acquittals rather than applications.

edge of collapse. image is orange block with large hard to read light letters filling the frame.

Arts media 'on edge of collapse' – how to rebuild it

A new report looks at the current relationship between the arts and media sectors, with some bold recommendations on what…

Blood. An Elder Aboriginal man with white hair and beard, stands behind a young Aboriginal man with a backwards white baseball cap and black T shirt with a sunny emblem on the front.
Opinions & Analysis

Our voices run through our blood…

2023 National NAIDOC Male Elder Award recipient, William Tilmouth, speaks on the referendum results, the state of youth education in…

sad bad girls. Image is a blonde woman in green dress with white spots holding out a glass with the hand of someone out of frame pouring wine into it.
Opinions & Analysis

I’ve had enough of Sad Bad Girl novels and sensationalised trauma

I’ve had enough of Sad Bad Girl novels, but I’m hungry for complex stories about women.

Culture. Wellbeing. Hands holding a blue drawing of a smiling face

Culture as a protective factor

Taking a look at developments in arts, health and well-being practice.

Rupert Myer. Man in suit stands in front of blue wall giving an address.
Opinions & Analysis

Rupert Myer calls for a Ministerial Council for the Arts

In a National Press Club Address, Rupert Myer outlines what it will take for Australia to become a ‘cultural powerhouse’,…

Milbi Festival. image is from ‘Wajgan’s Return’ at the Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery, a range of artworks covering a white wall of a gallery.
Opinions & Analysis

Returning to Country and supporting regional arts

First Nations artists Gordon Hookey, Ivy Minniecon and curator Angelina Hurley speak about their participation in Bundaberg’s annual Milbi Festival…

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