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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

What is an artistic director and why does STC need one?

A flagship theatre company can transform a city’s view of its place in the world, prompting conversations on issues of…

Opinions & Analysis

Support to jump the mid-career hurdle

Career funds and fellowships aimed at mid-career artists acknowledge that the need for support doesn't end when you hit thirty.

Opinions & Analysis

Should you discount tickets to fill empty seats?

Discounting fills houses but it can come at a price in future sales and audience perceptions.

Opinions & Analysis

'Commutainment' rules the Millennial market

Self-made YouTube vlogs are creating a revolution in the control and distribution of entertainment.

Opinions & Analysis

The stuff we don’t talk about

VIDEO: ​Leaders in arts and disabilities open up about mental health challenges and how the sector can handle them better.

Opinions & Analysis

A Miles Franklin that Stella would have loved

Touching, ferocious and poetic, the Miles Franklin shortlist is worthy of your attention.

Opinions & Analysis

Olympics vs art: the price of victory

Each gold medal at the Olympics costs taxpayers approximately A$12M; how does that compare to Australia's expenditure on culture?

Opinions & Analysis

Getting what you need in the arts

In this video discussion from Arts Access Australia’s Meeting Place 2016, panellists discuss advocacy in the arts and disability sector.

Opinions & Analysis

Copyright attack 'an unusually destructive force'

'Massive, unjustified, poorly researched and based on a remote and disconnected economic ideology of unusually destructive force.' That's what the…

Opinions & Analysis

Open rehearsals changing audience perceptions

Open rehearsals are not just an audience development strategy. They change public understanding of how art is made.

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