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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

What creative arts stand to lose from ABC RN cuts

The ABC's decision to ‘de-commission’ music, features & creative content on Radio National has far-reaching implications for Australian culture.

Opinions & Analysis

2016: The year of the fallout

For many in the arts, 2016 was spent coping with the outcomes of previous years of slashing and burning, but…

Opinions & Analysis

To those we lost in 2016, vale

We salute the lives and careers of the artists who took their final curtain call in 2016.

Opinions & Analysis

Why you need a finissage

The increasing pressure on arts organisations to make money has spawned new kinds of events - and new words to…

Opinions & Analysis

Controversial shtick raises questions on artists’ childcare

A trick played on audiences at a current show prompts a high stakes argument about arts, kids and equity.

Opinions & Analysis

The Imitation Game has changed

As technology improves the quality of reproduction, the old values are being newly debated.

Opinions & Analysis

Stick this in your capital and smoke it

Other countries use regional theatre as a staging post or experimental crucible but Australia is so obsessed with the majors…

Opinions & Analysis

The gutting of a national treasure trove

The serendipity of hearing something unexpected, which happens on radio but not in a self-curated podcast ecology, is crucial if…

Opinions & Analysis

Don't hang up your headphones

Streaming, live performance, merchandising and teaching are combining to give musicians improved incomes despite the challenges of new technology.

Opinions & Analysis

Silencing 'other' artists is a political act

Cutting $200 million from the arts in Australia and diverting much of the remaining to "high arts" such as ballet…

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