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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

What’s next for the arts in the island state

We explore the challenges facing Tasmania’s creative industries in the lead-up to the state election on Saturday 3 March.

Opinions & Analysis

Towards a greener creative Tasmania

Andrea Dawkins MP, the Tasmanian Greens’ Arts spokesperson, discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the state's arts and cultural sectors.

Opinions & Analysis

Social messaging appears to be skewing art awards

Nine art prizes announced over two weeks reveal much about the psyche of our art scene.

Opinions & Analysis

How will theatre survive in a post-subsidy world?

In his 2017 Philip Parsons Lecture at Belvoir, award-winning lighting designer Nick Schlieper asks: how can we turn the anti-subsidy…

Opinions & Analysis

Queensland: towards a greener creative state

As the state’s election looms, the Queensland Greens’ candidate for McConnel, Kirsten Lovejoy discusses the party’s arts policies.

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Changing the mindset of the cultural cringe

AsiaLink's founding director, Alison Carroll, reflects on the challenges of seeing our own culture as equal to those of Europe…

Opinions & Analysis

That slippery slope

Playwright Ron Elisha reflects on the personal cost of the marriage equality campaign and the specious argument of ‘the slippery…

Opinions & Analysis

Where to after Weinstein?

If #MeToo has taught us anything, it’s that telling better women’s stories hasn’t really changed the lived experience of women,…

Opinions & Analysis

Songwriting as a career pathway

What qualities and skills are needed by today’s aspiring songwriters with sights on the international action? It’s a lot more…

Opinions & Analysis

How do you solve a problem like Queensland?

Queensland artists are in high demand overseas. Queensland artists are also moving to southern states to survive. How to resolve…

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