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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Widening the frame: the art of the MBA

In this opinion piece, Adele Schonhardt and Tahlia Azaria reflect on their experience of business school and its impact on…

Opinions & Analysis

More than just art: youth, dance, and community

Support, connection, self-trust and being truly heard: for young people in Launceston, Stompin is far more than just a youth…

Opinions & Analysis

Where to now for the MPA Framework?

Revolution or evolution? With a survey of the Major Performing Arts Framework underway, AMPAG's Chair, Deputy Chair and Executive Director…

Opinions & Analysis

'The MPA framework does more harm than good'

The majority of the Major Performing Arts companies offer up 'a cocktail of timidity, mediocrity, heritage, and tourist arts’, said…

Opinions & Analysis

Falling through the cracks: the precarious plight of performing artists

What can be done to stop performers falling through the gaps between tax, superannuation and social security systems?

Opinions & Analysis

Bringing international perspectives to Frontier War research

Artist Brook Andrew and Monash's Dr Jessica Neath shed light on the international perspectives to Aboriginal Frontier War Memorial Research,…

Opinions & Analysis

Shit arts administrators say

A snarky account is generating glee in the Twitterverse.

Opinions & Analysis

When the pen is mightier than the casting couch

Gender, ethnicity, orientation, age, shape, ability – everything that defines a character can be dictated by the playwright. It's time…

Opinions & Analysis

Free yourself from the limitations of specialisation

While artistic specialisation has clear value, it can also limit one's creativity. Sometimes a new collaborator is required, to push…

Opinions & Analysis

The spectacle of Aboriginal Frontier War memorial research

Queensland artist Fiona Foley calls into question the ARC funded project Representation, Remembrance and the Memoria, saying that to witness…

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