Opinions & Analysis

Reviewer versus reviewed
Comedian and some time reviewer Xavier Toby gets a taste of his own medicine when his comedy shows are reviewed…

What Is Street Cred anyway?
Marketing jargon has tried to hijack street cred but artists are fighting back.

Predicting your ticket sales
Some Hollywood companies use geospatial modelling to predict ticket sales but there are simpler techniques for calculating your likely audience.

Never apologise. It's not funny.
How does an audience respond when a comedian steps out of character and confesses to feeling bad about a show?

Dance is missing its essential partner
Dance has won a place in the arts curriculum but the policy will be a wallflower without the partnership of…

Ditch Lonely Planet, advises writer
True travel writing needs fear and insecurity not just tourism tips.

How to make millions as a creative entrepreneur
Why you should shed the starving artist mentality and turn your creativity into a start-up like these successful creative entrepreneurs.

Music industry underpays and undervalues photographers
Music photographers are often paid next to nothing – or nothing at all - for arduous 12 hour days and…

Arts careers not as precarious as you think
Artists often complain about precarious careers and unreliable incomes but they are better off than many other modern workers.

Creative Australia fails tertiary education
New Arts Minister Tony Burke should address the glaring omission of tertiary education in the National Cultural Policy.