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Opinions & Analysis

Jaded, pessimistic, bitchy: art museum directors face a poor public image

Art museums are suffering from poor brand imaging and a lack of social skills in directors and staff is partly…

Opinions & Analysis

NAPLAN is the enemy of creativity

By reducing arts education and teaching to standardised tests we are in serious danger of strangling the imagination of the…

Opinions & Analysis

Why the arts are a central force in the economy

Economists should understand the arts as the very centre of a production system that derives benefit from the things the…

Opinions & Analysis

Queensland arts resignations: what do they mean for arts funding

Resignations of the Queensland Arts Minister and a Screen Queensland board members have revealed cronyism and conflict of interest to…

Opinions & Analysis

Rethinking our dated philanthropy approach

Research by Melbourne University released this week found arts organisations could do better when approaching trusts and foundations.

Opinions & Analysis

How much should governments spend on the arts?

If we want more money for the arts, we need to create a public culture in which the arts have…

Opinions & Analysis

Arts advocacy: speaking with one voice

Fair payment? Education? Career opportunites? How do arts advocates decide where to put their energies.

Opinions & Analysis

Can a bad review be a good thing?

How can a panning from the critics become some tough love in disguise?

Opinions & Analysis

On the Road stimulating small communities

The funding decisions are yet to be made but just the opportunity to think about how arts could transform a…

Opinions & Analysis

How long is too long?

Opera Australia will stage Wagner’s 15-hour Ring Cycle in Melbourne this year. Can modern audiences sustain a dramatic marathon?

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