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Opinions & Analysis

A shelf of old leather-bound history books
Opinions & Analysis

Decolonising the written word

As an editor, a relatively new part of my brief is to be on the alert for colonial exceptionalism. What…


Six curators talk about the artists on their radar

Being on a curator’s radar is not always about being "hot" or "emerging". So who is capturing their interest?

Opinions & Analysis

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse pokes fun at contemporary art

A brief art history rundown of the new 'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ movie and it’s clever commentary on contemporary art.

A sandstone boulder tilts dangerously on the top of the hill. In the background is the sky and a earthy, barren landscape.
Opinions & Analysis

Indigenous art centres at the precipice of outdated approaches to funding

We love Indigenous art centres but are we really supporting them the best we can as a sector?

Opinions & Analysis

What I’ve learned creating a Cultural Safety Document

Cultural safety is an ongoing commitment and it takes more than one person or document to get it right.

sculpture Abdul-Rahman Abdullah working with wood tools

Rise in the cost of living impacting artists

Hikes in living costs are putting the pinch on studio practice – artists offer their advice on soldiering on through…

Opinions & Analysis

The butt of the joke

How it feels when a comedian ridicules you and 200,000 people think it's funny.

Opinions & Analysis

The forgotten history of Tasmania’s convict nurseries

Unearthing the tragic fates of hundreds of babies in the early 1800s.

Opinions & Analysis

More risk, more play: creating an inclusive culture

In this extract arts consultant Morwenna Collett, asks what Australia would look like if we actually embraced diversity ‘in all…

Red toned portrait of artist Pablo Picasso and Hannah Gadsby
Opinions & Analysis

Hannah Gadsby’s Picasso show is a victim of its hype

Alice Procter views Hannah Gadsby's Brooklyn Museum bomb.

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