Opinions & Analysis

The talent aggregators
Content aggregators now have the power and access that used to belong to agents and artists' managers.

Baby boomers tighten their grip on cultural institutions
As baby boomers reach retirement age their love of Australia’s cultural institutions remains steadfast.

Is Entertainment Ticketing Being Left Behind?
The arts and entertainment industry needs to create new marketing products for the internet age.

Explaining arts principles to politicians
How does an arts advocate successfully argue the case before the Senate Inquiry into the Australia Council Bill?

AUDIO: Why we are in danger of cultural atrophy
Without a national identity function for the Australia Council will we sink into national dementia?

How should OzCo support experimental arts?
This weekend the Australia Council for the Arts will bring together 60 of Australia’s leading practitioners and thinkers in experimental…

You can make money online
Think people won’t pay for creative content because so much is available online for free? That’s not what the numbers…

Dealing with change: the arts in flux
The changes in funding and policy are rippling through the entire ecology of the arts and cultural sector.

Arts advocacy in the era of the barbecue-stopper
It doesn’t always involve conflict or the hip pocket nerve, so how do arts advocates get government and media attention?

Changes to art market up close
Retail auction houses and online sales are the way of the future.