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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Working on the Edge

The boundaries between urban and rural are gone as artists working on the city limits understand.

Opinions & Analysis

A highbrow exercise in slut-shaming

Controversy about the production values of MTC's 'The Crucible' ignores a key problem of sexism in the interpretation.

Opinions & Analysis

Eight units to monitor 747 nightclubs

While APRA reacts angrily to media coverage of its ACCC re-authorisation, new claims cast doubt on its distribution methods

Opinions & Analysis

Governments lukewarm about the visual arts

In all the chatter about new, new, new arts policy and funding, the visual arts and literature are feeling ignored.

Opinions & Analysis

APRA's exemption is good for musicians

APRA should retain its monopoly to ensure Australia creators get their money. Most musicians agree.

Opinions & Analysis

How not to talk to the tax man

An accountant offers a light-hearted look at the wrong – and right – ways to win the approval of the…

Opinions & Analysis

Rudd Cabinet downgrades Arts & Communications

The Government will go into the election with a Cabinet less committed to the sector and an Opposition looking for…

Opinions & Analysis

AUDIO: Trying to be happy may make you miserable

Creative people are more prone to depression but positive thinking may be just what they don't need.

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Remotely Connected

Rural art collectives are cutting out the metropolitan art tsars and staging their own shows.

Opinions & Analysis

Rebranding a cultural organisation

Sydney Living Museums created a new look for old houses when it recreated the Historic Houses Trust of NSW.

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