Opinions & Analysis

Working on the Edge
The boundaries between urban and rural are gone as artists working on the city limits understand.

A highbrow exercise in slut-shaming
Controversy about the production values of MTC's 'The Crucible' ignores a key problem of sexism in the interpretation.

Eight units to monitor 747 nightclubs
While APRA reacts angrily to media coverage of its ACCC re-authorisation, new claims cast doubt on its distribution methods

Governments lukewarm about the visual arts
In all the chatter about new, new, new arts policy and funding, the visual arts and literature are feeling ignored.

APRA's exemption is good for musicians
APRA should retain its monopoly to ensure Australia creators get their money. Most musicians agree.

How not to talk to the tax man
An accountant offers a light-hearted look at the wrong – and right – ways to win the approval of the…

Rudd Cabinet downgrades Arts & Communications
The Government will go into the election with a Cabinet less committed to the sector and an Opposition looking for…

AUDIO: Trying to be happy may make you miserable
Creative people are more prone to depression but positive thinking may be just what they don't need.

Remotely Connected
Rural art collectives are cutting out the metropolitan art tsars and staging their own shows.

Rebranding a cultural organisation
Sydney Living Museums created a new look for old houses when it recreated the Historic Houses Trust of NSW.