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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Will there ever be enough bandwidth?

‘If content is king, then distribution is God Almighty’, says the mouthpiece for the NBN.

Opinions & Analysis

Leaving discovery to the shysters

The progressive de-emphasis on discovery has made it harder to resist the tide of bogus, headline-grabbing claims.

Opinions & Analysis

Arts for the Millenial Generation

Young people are a large consumer segment but they are often overlooked or misunderstood both as creators and audiences.

Opinions & Analysis

Very long form performance gets audience attention

It is fashionable to complain that hyper-connectivity leads to shortened attention spans . But maybe not.

Opinions & Analysis

Dreamworks confirms success of ACMI dream

The DreamWorks homage that will be the 2014 ACMI Winter Masterpiece is a remarkable landmark in the evolution of ACMI…

Opinions & Analysis

Makers Make their Mark

Burnie Makers Workshop provides a crucible for creative excellence and artistic comradeship. It must be preserved.

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Courts making artistic judgements: not fair

If Australia follows the US on copyright, as proposed, courts will be empowered to make creative judgements.

Opinions & Analysis

Arts get more research money (for now)

Creative arts and humanities are receiving more research funding thanks to a rule change but the good news may not…

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Protecting writers’ interests

From photocopying to digital piracy, new technology has always threatened writers’ incomes.

Opinions & Analysis

Capturing the public value of heritage

With budgets shrinking, all arts are under pressure but heritage culture is doing it toughest.

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