Opinions & Analysis

Criticising the critics
Is a theatre company smart or cowardly to ban a critic from its show?

What’s wrong with the resale royalty scheme?
Australian Commercial Galleries Director Anna Pappas has hit out at the scheme, saying it is hurting small and medium galleries.

Election & the arts: Weighing up the policies
Speeches by Tony Burke and George Brandis at Blacktown Arts Centre on Monday may be the closest thing we get…

The Coalition’s vision for the arts
Opposition arts spokesman Brandis saw the election as Medici versus Philistines in his speech to the Western Sydney Arts Forum.

Labor's vision for the arts
The Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke, went on the attack with this speech at the Western Sydney Arts Forum.

Why we Need a Ministry of Culture
Aggregating culture in one department would lead to better measurement, better resourcing and a genuine assessment of cultural impact, argues…

Will there ever be enough bandwidth?
‘If content is king, then distribution is God Almighty’, says the mouthpiece for the NBN.

Leaving discovery to the shysters
The progressive de-emphasis on discovery has made it harder to resist the tide of bogus, headline-grabbing claims.

Arts for the Millenial Generation
Young people are a large consumer segment but they are often overlooked or misunderstood both as creators and audiences.

Very long form performance gets audience attention
It is fashionable to complain that hyper-connectivity leads to shortened attention spans . But maybe not.