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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Is it still Fringe if it’s curated?

The open access model ensures that the Fringe spirit is truly represented.

Opinions & Analysis

Creativity, a treatment not a cause of mental illness

Artists are neither possessed nor victims of mental illness, but creativity can channel their demons.

Opinions & Analysis

How Facebook made a bestselling author

Marie Force used Facebook to help her become a best-selling author. How can you do the same?

Opinions & Analysis

Street art blues in Rutledge Lane

A bit of back-story casts a dim light on the officially-sanctioned blue-ing of a Melbourne street art icon.

Opinions & Analysis

Criticising the critics

Is a theatre company smart or cowardly to ban a critic from its show?

Opinions & Analysis

What’s wrong with the resale royalty scheme?

Australian Commercial Galleries Director Anna Pappas has hit out at the scheme, saying it is hurting small and medium galleries.

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Election & the arts: Weighing up the policies

Speeches by Tony Burke and George Brandis at Blacktown Arts Centre on Monday may be the closest thing we get…

Opinions & Analysis

The Coalition’s vision for the arts

Opposition arts spokesman Brandis saw the election as Medici versus Philistines in his speech to the Western Sydney Arts Forum.

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Labor's vision for the arts

The Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke, went on the attack with this speech at the Western Sydney Arts Forum.

Opinions & Analysis

Why we Need a Ministry of Culture

Aggregating culture in one department would lead to better measurement, better resourcing and a genuine assessment of cultural impact, argues…

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