Opinions & Analysis

Dead By Page 50: the Three Little Aboriginal Pigs of Australian Narrative
In art, Australia needs Aboriginal heroes and Aboriginal Everymen and Everywomen, not just noble savages or doomed innocents.

When friends go feral
Tensions between volunteers and governance are inevitable. Poorly handled, they will destroy a cultural organisation.

Measuring the value of the arts
Ticket numbers don't tell the whole story but how do you calculate the value of empathy, transformation or community-building?

Refugee gratitude from another era
As borders close to asylum seekers, a powerful work of gratitude reminds Australia of a kinder era.

What makes a good Arts Minister?
Industry knowledge? Passion? Political nous? Australian arts identities discuss the skills needed in such a role.

The day the music died
Why does the death of an artist hit us so hard, and why do we need to publicise our grief?

Paddington verses Redfern: the changing gallery landscape
Are we witnessing the pendulum swing as Sydney’s gallery landscape again reshuffles its geographic footprint?

Perth should invest in an Eiffel Tower
WA needs an artwork of international proportions to mark its Bicentenary.

Why are we so obsessed with Gallipoli?
No less than three Dardanelles specials hoisted the flag at last week’s film market in Cannes. Yawn.

A conference with only the tea breaks
All the best work at a conference happens in the breaks so let's dispense with the rest of it.