Opinions & Analysis
Designers can't expect brand loyalty
Turns out we’re floozies when it comes to brands, which is great for the consumer but difficult for designers.
Can site specific work tour?
Three curators and five artists sounds complicated enough, now tour a site-specific work to three cities.
A Black and White Night
Crowd behaviour is not an accident of large-scale sited events and White Night Melbourne could do better.
Rethinking arts on television
What should arts content look like on television, specifically content transmitted by a national broadcaster?
Google Play
Google's entry into the streaming marketplace won't be worth much but it will be good for musicians.
Against another arts ghetto
Another arts precinct may deliver only a dismal Docklands disconnected from the natural vitality of the city.
Speaking with one voice
To achieve a sustainable arts industry, we need to speak with one voice. Artspeak is the latest in a long…
Why we're not ready for varied density living, yet
It's time to rethink the 'Australian dream' of the big backyard and the white picket fence.
The lonely chairs
Planners should be thinking about the experience of sitting in public space and what it means to be an urban…
What’s in a name?
They used to be called Regional Arts Development Officers. Now they are called Creative Arts Facilitators. Does job title matter?