Opinions & Analysis
Arts restructure mania
There is no evidence the bigger is better in arts management so why the pressure to collapse functioning arts organisations?
Why don't our audiences look like a train stop?
We will know we are really tapping culturally diverse audiences when the range of faces truly reflects the population.
Evaluating the sector, not just the project
Community arts organisations are bunkering down, more focused on their own work than the big picture impact of the sector.
Why go back to the bush?
Thirty years ago arts enthusiasts couldn’t wait to leave regional Australia. Now some are going home.
Australia, Europe and the search for a soul
Australia benefits from its broad view of culture but cultural programming needs values and excellence not just face-painting.
Why Shakespeare still matters
To celebrate Shakespeare's 450th birthday, Australia's leading exponent asks why actors and audiences still love the Bard.
The Emperor's New Social Work
There is much hubris in the community art sector but cultural solutions to social problems should expect failure
Homeward Bound
Australians don't dream of Broadway or the West End. They want opportunity at home.
Is the NGA’s head in the past?
The National Gallery's Shiva has all the attention but the Gallery's problem with the past may also be about programming.
Arts are key to redefining ageing
Leonard Cohen and Helen Reddy are both seniors, modelling the power of the arts to sustain later life.