Opinions & Analysis
Art is worth less in the age of Spotify – and not just financially
When the consumer can delete at the push of a button royalties are drastically reduced and artistic worth is liquified.
Anonymous book reviews don’t foster our literary culture
In running anonymous reviews, the mainstream media sacrifices a crucial point of difference from online trolls and avatars.
How do we make the old Queen’s Theatre new?
Why is a beautiful heritage venue in the middle of the Adelaide CBD so drastically under-utilised?
Should Rolf Harris's art be removed?
Does condemning Rolf Harris as a sexual predator require expurgating his art from public collections?
Fear of Low Expectations
Emerging choreographers should offer more than old-school tricks. Perhaps the Australian Ballet is just too comfortable.
Homophobia, Opera Australia and the Twitter-storm
What can the arts sector learn from the Tamar Iveri scandal?
Inclusive theatre beyond the ghettos
Separate theatre initiatives for disabled artists are giving way to an integrated international movement for inclusive theatre.
Misinformation on super investment damaging art values
Values are suffering as a result of misinformation and disproportionate anxiety about changed rules for art investments in Self-Managed Super…
Mentoring doesn't substitute for real career opportunity
Mentoring programs can be abused a panacea for government neglect of the arts with no real career opportunities attached.
The politically correct sovereign and I
The ideological curmudgeons have been out in force in the arts this week reflecting on the arrival of The King…