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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Art is worth less in the age of Spotify – and not just financially

When the consumer can delete at the push of a button royalties are drastically reduced and artistic worth is liquified.

Opinions & Analysis

Anonymous book reviews don’t foster our literary culture

In running anonymous reviews, the mainstream media sacrifices a crucial point of difference from online trolls and avatars.

Opinions & Analysis

How do we make the old Queen’s Theatre new?

Why is a beautiful heritage venue in the middle of the Adelaide CBD so drastically under-utilised?

Opinions & Analysis

Should Rolf Harris's art be removed?

Does condemning Rolf Harris as a sexual predator require expurgating his art from public collections?

Opinions & Analysis

Fear of Low Expectations

Emerging choreographers should offer more than old-school tricks. Perhaps the Australian Ballet is just too comfortable.

Opinions & Analysis

Homophobia, Opera Australia and the Twitter-storm

What can the arts sector learn from the Tamar Iveri scandal?

Opinions & Analysis

Inclusive theatre beyond the ghettos

Separate theatre initiatives for disabled artists are giving way to an integrated international movement for inclusive theatre.

Opinions & Analysis

Misinformation on super investment damaging art values

Values are suffering as a result of misinformation and disproportionate anxiety about changed rules for art investments in Self-Managed Super…

Opinions & Analysis

Mentoring doesn't substitute for real career opportunity

Mentoring programs can be abused a panacea for government neglect of the arts with no real career opportunities attached.

Opinions & Analysis

The politically correct sovereign and I

The ideological curmudgeons have been out in force in the arts this week reflecting on the arrival of The King…

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