Opinions & Analysis
Arts Centre Melbourne lives by a thousand cuts
Our business analyst looks at how Arts Centre Melbourne achieved a $10 million budget turnaround.
Ignoring the creators
The UN is investigating intellectual property law and the right to culture but failing to consider the rights of authors.
Giving art away
Artists in the UK, US and Europe are giving art away to engage new audiences. Is it time for Australian…
Crowdsourcing ideas for a new museum
How should a museum look and feel? The new SAM wants to find out how the public envisages the museum.
Melba defends direct funding from Brandis
The Melba Foundation says there was nothing devious about a direct funding grant bypassing Australia Council peer review.
Melba returns for another performance
The news that Senator George Brandis has quietly approved a grant to Melba Foundation has heads in the arts community…
Cultural precincts battle for the global marketplace
What is driving the $US250 cultural precinct billion trend? World expert on cultural precincts, Adrian Ellis knows.
How Creativity Drives Business Success
Creative accounting is a high value skill the arts can bring to business, not a criminal activity.
Opera Review offers opportunity to hit high notes
The National Opera Review has the potential to highlight cultural and economic opportunities for Australia from a global art form.
Get it while you can: art that moves, art that stays still
Does the movement of art in a touring exhibition diminish its cult appeal?